To have the right people within the sport organizations and programs. To develop your athletes, you have to surround them with the best coaches and best experts to get the highest possible outcome. In order to enable the coaches and experts to do their jobs and to support them with the right policies to do their jobs, you need know-how and understanding across the complete sport organization. APEX Global Sport Group offers support on:
Leadership Development
Organization Structure / Job Descriptions
Board/Staff Development
Staff (and coach) Succession Planning
Team Building.
You need the best people in the right roles for your organization. Recruit and develop great people; make sure they are doing what they are best at and that their job descriptions align with what the organization needs. This applies to roles on and off the field of play.
APEX Global Sport Group knows the importance of having a fit-for-purpose organization structure and the value of hiring and developing great people. We and our expert associates will help you search for the right people and ensure that the structure and function of key roles within your organization are well designed.
Sustained success is a managed process. It doesn’t happen by accident. It needs to be planned, executed, monitored and evaluated. At the strategic planning stage APEX Global Sports Group starts with the VMOST but we pride ourselves on our agility and adaptability, so we can adopt our clients’ preferred strategic planning frameworks
Vision: What you want your sport organization to look like in the future
Mission: What you want to achieve in a define period.
Objectives: Your measurable outcomes.
Strategy: The direction you choose to take to achieve your mission and objectives.
Tactics: Specific actions, tasks, projects and programs to enable you to achieve your mission and objectives.
APEX Global Sport Group has extensive experience with the design and review of strategic and operation planning, the development of sport policies and from there the design of sport development -and high performance programs. APEX-GSG also provides the services to review and analyze your complete organization or sport program in order to develop a new strategy for the upcoming sport cycle(s).
We have worked with numerous National Olympic and Paralympic Committees and National, State and Provincial sport organizations to build effective strategic plans. However, we understand that a good plan is only effective if it is implemented with a realistic plan of action. We help you identify the pieces to implement the programs, activities and events in the plan. We help you clarify the WHO, WHAT, HOW and HOW MUCH for each program, activity and event. We help you set measurable Key Performance Outcomes (KPOs) and build a monitoring and evaluation dashboard.
An increasingly diverse and complex sport ecosystem means that few - if any - sports organizations can operate in isolation, or assume they are self-sufficient. The concept of “partnership” helps convert transactional relationships into organic entities capable of adding value. APEX Global Sport Group has a wide network of experts within the sport industry and can help your organization or sport club with finding the right partner for your organization or sport program.
Programs require adequate sport infrastructure. Every athlete in the sport cycle deserves to practice and compete in the best environment at the best possible facilities. APEX Global Sport Group can help your organization or sport club with the planning and design of local, regional and/or national sport facilities.
Written – and published - policies demonstrate that an organization can comply with applicable laws and regulations and convert their values into operational reality. APEX Global Sport Group has extensive experience with the development of governance and policies. We can help your sport organization or sport club with the design and implementation of good governance to support the decision making processes.