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Our Approach

APEX Global Sports Group provides the full range of sport consulting services to meet all of your needs. We use a holistic and integrated approach to build customized solutions according to your specific needs. Our approach is called the APEX365 Model ©

We can deliver the complete APEX365 Model service, or just focus on the parts that you feel are your priority.


The 3-6-5 Model incorporates

  • 3 interdependent areas of focus for an effective sport organization or sport system

  • 6 “Critical Success Factors”

  • 5 Pillars – the five operational elements that fulfill the organization’s mission.


The 3 key areas

  • Sport Organization Management

  • Sport Development Management

  • High Performance Management​


These three areas are interdependent in the context of the development of complete and successful sport systems. However, in reality, these three areas are often not strategically aligned, resulting in system gaps and deficiencies.


The APEX Global Sport Group approach is designed to develop solutions and strategies for development and alignment of the 3 key areas to ensure sustainable growth and efficiencies. Therefore, the APEX 365 Model uses the following 6 critical success factors as vital processes:

  • Athlete Development and Pathways

  • Technical Staff Development 

  • Competition Management (Developing an aligned competition structure and/or major competition/Games preparation and management)

  • Training Environment Management (Facilities for practice and play and Daily Training Environment)

  • Sport Sciences & Sports Medicine and Technology Management

  • Governance & Management

5 main pillars are used within the APEX 365 Model to build a strong relationship between the 6 critical success factors. These are the areas that are common to all sport systems and sport organizations at any level. Some are more critical than others at different times in the development cycle. APEX Global Sport Group can help you evaluate and prioritize each of the 5 pillars’ impact on your goals. We can help you focus on the right elements at the right time.

  • People

  • Planning

  • Partnerships

  • Places

  • Policies

© 2021 by APEX Global Sport Group.

btw-id office Amsterdam: NL003242056B42

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